variance ratio中文什么意思

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  1. In the last part , simultaneously analyzed three types of weak - form market efficiency tests - auto regression , run tests and variance ratio test for various data frequencies , perform the tests on both the shanghai and shenzhen markets for a period of more than six years
  2. We empirically test the return serial correlation of shanghai stock market under the vr ( variance ratio ) test framework . we suggest that the test results of index and individual stocks are consistent with the exist results . the index return is positive serial correlation and individual stocks returns are weakly negative serial correlation
    2 .我们使用高频交易数据,在方差比检验的框架下检验了上海证券市场收益率的序列相关性,我们发现在市场指数和个股样本方面的检验结果与以往的研究结果存在一致性,即指数收益率存在正序列相关性,而个股收益率存在弱负序列相关性。


  1. variance partitioning 什么意思
  2. variance planning 什么意思
  3. variance planning price 什么意思
  4. variance proportion 什么意思
  5. variance quality cost 什么意思
  6. variance ratio distribution 什么意思
  7. variance ratio test 什么意思
  8. variance ratio test f 什么意思
  9. variance ratio transformation 什么意思
  10. variance ration 什么意思


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